The actor Ibrahim Yekini ‘Itele’ celebrates the first birthday of his kid with beautiful images

Ibrahim Yekini, better known by his stage as Itele, celebrated the first birthday of his second daughter, Ajeromola.

Time flies, he said, remembering the day his wife gave birth to Ajeromola.

The actor posted sweet messages and photographs of his daughter celebrating on Instagram.

Itele prayed for the baby as she celebrated her first birthday.

He thanked her for making them happy and proud, and he proclaimed his undying love for his daughter. It reads as he penned it:

How quickly time passes! It seems like only yesterday that we were preparing for your first birthday celebration. inside of a year.
There is plenty for which we may celebrate and proclaim our pride in you.
I hope you never stop laughing and smiling. My darling daughter, the Princess, turns one today.

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